Movie Thoughts – The Imitation Game (2014)

Movie Thoughts   The action in this movie is during World War 2 when Alan Turing, a genius professor, tries to crack the German Enigma code (you can find more about it here). There are a few interesting topics in this movie, but I’ve found very interesting how people react to a different and unique opinion.

   All of us have some crazy ideas from time to time and we’re getting so excited about them that we want to share with our friends. But how are our friends reacting most of the time? They would immediately find reasons why it won’t work, don’t they? This pessimist mindset based on different types of fear is pretty common nowadays and it’s killing more dreams than ever.

   Sometimes a mindset like this is good because it brings up potential flaws. The problem is that most of the time we’re dropping that idea completely instead of thinking about solutions. A goal oriented mindset can overcome almost any flaw not necessarily by knowing how to fix it, but by knowing how to find out how to fix it.

   The dream-killers are all around us and they can’t wait to prove us wrong so we need a strong mindset to deal with them and with all the challenges that come with bringing our ideas to life. There is this proverb that fits the best here:

   “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down” –  A Japanese Proverb

6 thoughts on “Movie Thoughts – The Imitation Game (2014)

  1. I absolutely loved this movie, but it was also EXTREMELY sad because of the way they treated him. He was a genius and a hero. Making that machine gave the British all of Hitler’s information. There is no telling how many lives were saved. My all time favorite quote comes from this. When I watched it I felt inspired because absolutely no one believed in him and he did the impossible. For a little while he made me feel like I could do the impossible too.

    1. I think that the treatment was because those guys just couldn’t see what he saw. It often happens in real life. How many ideas die because people only see what it wouldn’t work?

      1. I could really relate to him. It would be a completely different world if dreamers were respected. He did prove himself in his work but my heart still broke for him because of his personal struggles. To be punished and forced to take that medicine was beyond cruel.

  2. He chose the estrogen therapy over something like shock therapy, because at least that way his brain would still be used as a source of ideas. Sasly, his “therapy” made him suicidal. Poor man!
    I love this movie – it re!ones !e that we all are solutions differently.

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