63 thoughts on “Question of the Day – No. 137

  1. I always keep my promises and I’m never late. I believe that punctuality involves discipline and respect for the people I need to meet. I also try to never give up, but I had to do it a few times so it has been broken. My new rule for this is to do my best before I give up.

  2. Rule: never do something you don’t want to. Don’t let them persuade / blackmail you into it.

    In a “if i don’t want to bungee jump, i won’t” kinda sense.

    If it’s necessary for survival of course i’ll do it. Like go to the doctor’s although i never want to go there.

    1. Great approach! We sometimes want to do things, but we don’t feel like doing it. But it’s important for us to want to and we’ll find a way.

  3. Never make a rule… 🙂

    “My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I’m happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right?” – Charles M. Schulz

    🙂 🙂

      1. That is Mr. Schultz’s humorous way of saying he follows his dreams and his heart, not shackled or chained by rules or beliefs… change in the universe and life is happening every day, a rule made today may not work tomorrow…. 🙂

        I follow my dreams, I let my heart lead and I chose the path least traveled and that has made all the difference… 🙂

      2. That’s true that what works today might not work tomorrow. I guess this depends of the nature of that rule.

      3. So why make the rule, just follow your heart on a daily basis ?… people I know make rules for security but there is no such thing as security in life… 🙂

        “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” Helen Keller

      4. We can create some rules to create a healthy life. For example, we all need to eat, right? Having a proper breakfast can improve our health and our mood for the day so we can make a rule to have a healthy breakfast every day. I believe this is one of the rules we can apply all our lives.

      5. Ooooook, do you have a healthy breakfast every day?… if not, you will have to break the rule, then you will get upset, then stress appears which leads to depression…well, you can see where this is going… 🙂

        Seems to me that someone who wishes to have rules in their life is trying to create a stable life and in today’s ever changing universe, good luck with that… 🙂

      6. No, I don’t have a healthy breakfast every day, but I don’t wish to have so I don’t have a rule about that 🙂 People have different thresholds for uncertainty so that’s one of the reasons rules exists for some. Also, a daily schedule is something made up of rules, I guess.

  4. I try to be trustful and moreover I try to never break promises. If I think I won’t be able to fulfil any promises I don’t make any.
    The principle I follow is- I believe if my heart is soft and care able everyone else’ is also

  5. I promised myself I wouldn’t settle for mediocre ever again – that I’d work myself into the ground if that’s what it took to get what I wanted – do or die. And I’ve stuck to my promise, although a lot of the time I do more dying than doing.

      1. I already do it, I’m a writer, I just want to keep pushing so I can be a *great* writer one day. It’s not just about work though, it’s also relationships, health, my body, where I live, etc.

  6. I’m loyal – to my husband, to my children, to my friends, to my fellow members of AA. I can be trusted to be honest, trustworthy, and available (within reason).

      1. I hope so! But maybe it is a little seflish. Being unkind feels awful. And receiving unkindness hurts. Seem only sensible to be kind 🙂

      1. I totally agree! I lean to the side of being a logical thinker so this has been something that I must be intentional about doing. However, as you said, “Following our intuition reaps the best results – even if it goes against all rationality.”

  7. A rule that I never break apart from blogging every week, is to NEVER perform actions that are below my standards or do not align with my value system.

    I think this is really important when it comes to staying true to yourself. It’s about setting yourself so-called ‘brightlines’ that under no circumstances will ever be violated.

    Great question! 🙂

    1. Yes! That’s what I think about daily writing. Also, when we know our sh*t, it would be a pity to act below it because that’s not helpful at all. 🙂

  8. What’s the difference between making rules and making sense? Is it too difficult for people to make sense often enough that rules are required to remind us? Is a core belief a rule? I’m honestly confused. I don’t like rules because there is always a situation where it doesn’t make sense. I guess that would be The Exception Proves the Rule rule? And if I had only 5-6 hours of sleep every night, I’m pretty sure I would end up with some self-harming behavior – like only letting myself sleep 5-6 hours. 😳

    1. That’s an interesting approach. If we look from a personal perspective, there is probably not an actual difference between making a rule and making sense. Maybe we can create rules so we can guide ourselves towards what makes sense for us. And yes, people are not that strong to follow what makes sense for them, but a rule creates that power we don’t have. When we think about society, what makes sense is different from a person to another so a rule that applies for most people is useful I guess. Since there are times a rule doesn’t apply and there are also times when a core belief doesn’t apply, I guess they’re pretty much the same. A core belief is a made up rule? Probably. There are times when it doesn’t apply? Probably the same. The main difference between a rule and a core belief is that we’re more aware of the first one and it’s easier to change it if we want to, but a core belief is an unconscious aspect which can decide what rules we follow. Does it make any sense?

      1. So the core belief could (possibly) correlate to the amygdala (yes, I had to look up the spelling) while the rule is substantive of the pre-frontal/frontal cortex? Kind of? If you’re a Myers-Briggs believer, I am a very solid INTJ, which apparently means we’re a bit obsessive about processes and patterns. We sort of collect information without paying attention, so although I know A+B=C, and C is the correct extrapolation, I have no freaking idea how I know A and/or B. I frustrate people because they want to know where A and B came from and people frustrate me because C is correct so why can’t we just move on because now I’m super bored. And there’s a part of our brain, the name of which completely eludes me right now which is ironic because it’s the part that collects information. It’s hardwired to tell the truth. But it’s only the foot soldier to the frontal cortex whose job it is to decide whether the truth is beneficial to survival. It’s one of the reasons people from secret-keeping families (e,g. children of abuse) have difficulties with memory and learning because the elusively named brain part gets clogged up and basically the flow of information collection stops. Maybe that explains my confusion and frustration with rules? What you say makes absolute intellectual sense but my body still has the feeling of, Oh man another rule. If I break it, I feel bad, but if I don’t, I feel idiotic. What would be the differences between those who choose to follow the amygdala and those who are staunch supporters of the pre-ordained conclusions of the frontal cortex? Does this turn into a follow your heart or follow your head dichotomy? I have no idea if my questions make sense or sound off topic. I think your musings just hit me at a time in my life where I’m not comfortable with what I thought were good rules because they conflict with some very deeply held core beliefs. The beliefs involve what I believe are right and moral but the rules were established for self-preservation. Once again, I apologize to you for so many words. I entirely blame you for all the thinking and other crap I hate to do 🧐

      2. I’ll take that blaming me part as a compliment. This my conclusion so far: We experience many things in life and we behave in certain ways based on multiple factors (like what other people told us to behave, what we noticed about other people’s reactions based on our behavior, past experiences and other aspects). Based on that, our core beliefs are created which act as a filter. The things we see or think are influenced by those core beliefs. The amygdala is the center where we process emotions while the prefrontal cortex is the center where we make decisions (used not only for the decision making process). We have a certain situation goes through our core beliefs which trigger certain thoughts. Those thoughts can trigger an emotion or not. If the thoughts do not trigger emotions, the thoughts go straight to the prefrontal cortex and we make a decision (to do something or to think something or to do nothing). If the thoughts trigger some emotions, the amygdala is activated and those emotions act as another filter for our prefrontal cortex. We decide based on the emotions we have in that moment. At least, that’s the roadmap I found so far. I may be wrong and I’m working to find out if I’m wrong or not. 🙂

  9. Curiousity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. If i’m curious about something I just try and find out about it. Learn something new everyday:)

      1. have a mojo account: put money away for emergencies. My dog had to have impromptu surgery two days ago. Had I not had that mojo account we wouldn’t be able to afford it:) (my friends were talking about the barefoot investor so i was curious and read it and that’s where the mojo account idea came from!) life happens

      2. That’s an awesome idea! I try to save some money too, but this year life happened every month :))

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