|| Psychology behind the Excuses ||

Making Excuses is the simplest and easiest thing to do. The human brain is designed in such a way that it do not want to explore the veiled immeasurable stores of energy. In other words, it limits the human being to an extent and disallows him to extend it further. That is the reason why people love to live in the comfort and afraid of the life struggles. The brain frames the mind, then mind further frames the human and it’s a trap but of comforts.

Specifically, one of the powerful excuse is the excuse of human nature. After ten or twenty attempts, you failed and give up in something. Then the mind exhausts and give an excuse that it’s a human nature. Everyone exhausts after such efforts. So I give up. You have to write a post after returning from work at home, but unfortunately you get just half an hour late. Then this half hour highlighted by the super fast mind thus tells you that your body is completely exhausted as you spent half an hour more at work today. But In reality, there’s nothing like that. It’s just an excuse. According to Psychology, when the brain tells you that your body is tired, your body actually starts to feel a little tiredness at that time. There’s still a lot of unused energy remained in your body. But as said earlier, the brain limits you to an extent. Not only in physical energy, the brain use this strategy in every single field of your life at every single situation. The strategy is enough powerful that it can give the excuses to end up your life. The Suicide rates are increasing because the people are losing control over their brain and mind. They have become more likely to give up on tiny issues like, break ups, being jobless, and criticism. The interesting thing is that the people never know that they are living in a hallucination created by their own brain. The rationalization actually lodges the person in a bad faith, a faith that is far away from reality. It puts a resistance on the real tough phase situations like emotional distress and cognitive dissonance. This leads to procrastination, slothfulness and eventually the cynical hallucination.

However, Psychologists believe that it can be easily overcome by a little meditation and ‘me time’. This strategy can also be used in a positive way by giving an excuse to your brain to use the yet unreached power of it.

“You need an excuse to stop making excuses.”

So how often do you make excuses ? And for what do you make excuses ?

Share it in the comments…πŸ˜€

Thanks for reading !

B. M.

53 thoughts on “|| Psychology behind the Excuses ||

  1. I think it’s worth distinguishing between reasons and excuses. I think of reasons as realistic evaluations of one’s limitations, and this information can be used in a constructive way. Excuses, on the other hand, are often used to avoid reality and don’t serve a constructive purpose.

    1. Yess, Reasons are true reality but excuses keep you from Reality….
      You figured out a wise point here….πŸ‘πŸ‘
      Thanks a million for being here… β€β€πŸ™‚πŸ™‚..

    2. I think sometimes we can be really good at rationalizing an excuse into a reason (at least I know I can be–can’t work out because I need the sleep–sounds very rational, but in reality the 20 minute workout may lead to better sleep and less need for sleep)–it’s easier for our brains to do that than to admit it is creating excuses.

      1. Yeah, It’s the point. The brain and mind use every possible way by which they can turn an excuse into an ultimate reason…….
        Thanks a lot for reading and sharing your thoughts….☺☺

  2. I use excuses to cover up failures (or perceived failures, anyway). I have an innate fear of failing at anything, and a consistent desire to be perfect in all aspects, and this causes me so much stress I tend to give up on something that has been stumping me instead of powering through and completing it to the best of my ability.

    1. It’s a human nature…
      But anyone can’t be perfect…Nd anyone can’t be successful everytime…
      We have to admit this. This imperfection makes us perfect….
      Try a little harder not to excuse for the failures……They teach you a lot but the excuses keep you away from learning more about life……
      I hope you’d improve yourself more…πŸ™‚.
      Have a Nice day!!.. β€πŸ™‚πŸ€—πŸ˜˜

  3. It depends on who I’m talking to and why. I physically cannot go door-to-door canvassing for votes right now. Not an excuse, a fact. Now if the caller takes that as en “excuse”, well, that’s on them. I try not to make excuses, because I don’t like having that lack of accountability in my life.

    1. Yeah, It’s a great point you made….It’s the perfect example to differentiate between a Reason and an Excuse…πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘..
      I’m glad that you don’t wanna miss out your true life by making excuses ….
      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this matter…. β€πŸ™ŒπŸ™‚…

  4. Lots of cool insights from psychology here. It’s true: our thoughts are biasing the mind towards certain perceptions.

    A lot of this has to do with willpower, which I’ve discussed in s few of my blogs at http://www.my-apotheosis.com.

    Meditation is the best thing you can do, bc it increases metacognition and willpower.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah, a 10 minutes meditation makes a difference……
      Thanks you for sharing the link, I’ll definitely check out…..
      Thanks again for stopping by here.. πŸ™ŒπŸ™‚πŸ™‚….

  5. As Rabindranath Pradhan said before, excuses means we’re not taking responsibility for our actions and this is because those actions are taking us out of our comfort zone. It’s easier to blame everything to do or not to do something instead of taking control which involves work and struggle.

  6. Human makes excuses to cover up the unwillingness to do things… They also make excuses because they afraid to accept the reality sometimes and try to cover up the things in a way they want… Great post… I loved ur thoughts ❀❀

  7. I always find a valuable excuse to procrastinate my administrative tasks :)) but what you said it’s so true, people do tend to stop at the first signals of the brain and so much energy remains even untouched… That’s why it’s said we use only a small percentage of our brain, isn’t it?

    1. Yeah, but according to psychologists, we use 100% of our brain, that means every single part of our brain is being used….but I think it’s the potential that matters….
      Thank you for stopping by here..πŸ™‚

  8. I know how it is. I do it a lot myself and it’s not simple to put yourself together. Sometimes it is so straggling and egsostin that it makes me angry, stressed and ready to scream . I admit I have depression and sometimes it is difficult to put myself on the right direction by myself but I have to. For the suicidal part I never think of it because I have my son who needs me. So long story short most people who find escape in death should think more about they loved ones than themselves . You are never alone in this world , family, friends people you never know just don’t let go of hope. Thank good luck with your blog I really like it

  9. Regarding your entry about “excuses”, Excuses are acceptable human interactions when nothing else will do . However, in my opinion, it is best not to use ‘excuses’ if you really want to say, “no”. Just say, “no” and do not add any excuses or explanations to that already-complete sentence. That works, almost all the time . Peace. artfromperry

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