117 thoughts on “Question of the Day – No. 237

  1. I’d like to take the opportunity to ask all the commentary people in this Question…. No. 237 if I may use this story and your comments and or names? If not it’s ok, no offense taken here. But Bogdan (DM), believing “Bob” is his real name, but gave his permission for use of his input, but it’s the rest of you that I plead for your permission to go forth with copying and using it as a publication, a testament of forgiveness that Bogdan DM, Bob, helped fight the demon that kept my self-conviction for 22 years of something I had no control over, except to let a hainous perpetrator live. For the fact his testimony on tape, he thought it’s the way life was because his father molested an age old art since time began! But please let me use your comments as how this Question… No. 237 came to be and ending in what I think a beautifully ending!?

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