52 thoughts on “Question of the Day – No. 266

  1. For some it’s ego. There are some it would be due to a personality disorder such as narcissism. For others, they were never held accountable by anyone for their actions.

    1. Even though they weren’t held accountable, that shouldn’t be a reason for them to feel the need to be right. As you said, I think it’s ego and I think it’s almost always the root cause for this.

      1. Oh I agree! It’s not an excuse. But it is a pattern with some. They avoid people that call them out and surround themselves with enablers. People that will not point out shortcomings, faults, mistakes etc..

  2. It’s ego and insecurity. They have low self worth and consider being wrong about something to be a further repudiation of their self-worth. Ironic since self worth comes from growth, growth comes from wisdom, and wisdom comes from learning. Closed minds don’t learn.

    1. Sometimes being right will make you be rejected by the society if the society thinks something else. But when that’s the case, I guess that “right perspective” changes so it can be the same as the one viewed by the society.

      1. Right or wrong is more often used by the society. The need to be right comes mostly to please somebody. Because if we want to be right because of our own thoughts then it comes naturally to us.

  3. I think people need to be right because they feel that if they are not, they are viewed as “less than.” We need to learn that we can be wrong and still be of value.

  4. Having travelled quite a bit I would have to say that “being right” is very American. Of course I may be very wrong about this. I think early on immigrants had to prove themselves to the rest of America and there were a lot of people quibbling over who was right.

    1. This is a very interesting idea. It does make sense that immigrants had to prove themselves to the rest of America, but does this apply to assumptions too? I mean, in other countries, do people use this assumption thing less often compared to America?

  5. those that may feel need to be right all the time, are right all the time, for them.
    what one allows themselves to feel is not necessarily related to what they perceive to need. sometimes, the need(s) we exhibit externally, reveal(s) what we do not allow ourselves to feel internally.
    the value(s) assigned to the coin of right or wrong must come from within because the spending or suspending of one’s viewpoint(s) is an investment in perception, where both gains and losses yield growth.

      1. I think so. It appears implied the emotion felt is what fuels the stance, and what I feel, is that sometimes the stance may be taken out of avoidance. to others it may appear to manifest as need to be right, but within a persons heart, it may be need to simply stay standing, which could mean avoiding ‘feeling’ the emotions that might surface if ‘wrong’. Not sure I’m making sense…

  6. I’m reminded of an argument I had with my grandmother, oh when I was in my teens – in which she screeched “WHY do you have to be right all the damned time?” And I responded, “Why do YOU have to be right all the damned time?” We want validation – even when we differ on outlooks.

    I’m actually good with not being right all the time, I like learning. I sometimes feel silly or naive for my ideas, but it’s a process.

  7. I feel as though some people actually do think they’re right. And are so far from being open minded to the fact that it’s ok not to be right all the time

  8. I know in my family it comes from a competitive spirit. We need to have the last word, and be right. It is a matter of pride, and not wanting to appear stupid. It is silly, but it is how my family is. Whatever you’re claiming, you better have proof that it is right. I don’t mind being wrong, or agreeing to disagree, but I do like evidence depending on the subject.

  9. Some people are so proud, they just need proof of others point of view otherwise it’s wrong…we were taught most of the times that if we’re not right, than we’re wrong! Even though it’s just a perspective, right and wrong doesn’t exist most of the times…The more we know, the more we’re open to others, the more we discover how silly we were when we were fighting to be right or to have the last word…When we thought we know it all!

  10. The rudiments of a theory addressing this interesting question might look something like the following: first, we wouldn’t express an opinion or belief unless we thought the opinion or belief was true; second, we are only as intelligent/wise as we are at the moment we express an opinion, and not more; third, we tell ourselves stories, we live by narratives, our egos and sense of self are integrally woven into these stories of meaning and purpose, as are our beliefs and opinions; taken together, we must believe something, we identify intimately with what we believe, and what we believe we actually believe to be true (or we wouldn’t believe it), and depending on our levels of intelligence/wisdom we may be further or closer to the truth. I personally have come to the belief that I know nothing for certain. From my experience and my level of intelligence, I can say with confidence big ‘T’ Truth is beyond my grasp and likely beyond the grasp of anyone. And yes, I believe this and you will find it hard to move me from this opinion, but of course, I grant from the beginning I could be wrong.

  11. Some people have a very hard time admitting they are ever wrong. Some are just incapable of it. Got a good example of that here in front of us each day the last few years.

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