32 thoughts on “Question of the Day – No. 292

      1. I think the pressure for the “perfect image” comes from the media and celebrity culture. I do not know how or why, even though there are a few body postive movements, what the famous look like how non-famous want to look like.
        I have a snapchat account which I use almost daily. After anyone famous has a child there are post for days about their amazing post-birth bodies. I think that is harmfull and misleading content for both men and women. Beyond pre/post birth bodies, as we get closer to the summer months I have seen the “summer bod” post start to pop up not only on snapchat but other social medias as well. “How to get the perfect body for summer” “10 Work Outs for the Perfect Butt *peach emoji*” It seems to never end.

      1. Like every girl in this society I fell pressured to be elegant, thin and mostly like a Model Body type. In a way so we are never satisfied with the way we look and always trying to change it. We should re-think this and not care but we are always being pressured and being reminded by those we love the most.

  1. I agree with Varanda. It’s age and looks. It feels like I’m trying to keep up with perfect and that isn’t possible. I don’t want to alter my body in order for someone to decide I’m worthy of love. This world devours the young and innocent and then tosses them in the trash when they are done. American isn’t like Asia where you honor those who are older. Wisdom is not as valuable or as wanted as big boobs, a tiny waist and a young face. Everything people buy now is disposable. Things that should last a lifetime are tossed in the trash and if we cross that invincible barrier and get too old or too fat then we are rubbish too. We get traded in for something new. It’s extremely disrespectful how men (not all but a giant chunk even the man I thought wouldn’t pick another over me did) think younger is better. They look at women who are their own age and think they are fat and ugly and over the hill. Most of these guys bring nothing to the table yet they think they deserve better than their counterpart. I find that extremely offensive and the older I get the angrier I am.

      1. Like when disgruntled co-workers want to tell you what they think of …and then that ends up limiting perceptions, if one lets it…Or when making a decision, and things get ruled out because of previous perceptions that that thing may be too difficult.

  2. Not sure if this is a stereotype or a common perception but I recently got my arts degree and I’m sick to death of people asking what sort of job you can get with it, as if an arts degree is nothing but a waste of time. Also I’m in my forties, single with two adult children and people (well, men) assume that I must be a cougar or desperate for their company, when neither is true.

  3. Stereotypes about obese women. As a trial attorney, I’ve actually been told that I was held back because of the impression I make on a jury. This was, of course, code for – you aren’t slim like our other female trial attorneys.

      1. I’m not sure but it affected my confidence for awhile. So, it became self-fulfilling. I have, of course, shaken that now.

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