23 thoughts on “Question of the Day – No. 324

  1. I rather enjoy the questions. While seemingly pointless they are thought provoking. I enjoy that. I haven’t responded to many of them lately due to what is going on in my life. (Re: blogged about it.) I do love them though.

    Maybe when you ask the qotd you could put your own perspective?

    1. I’m glad you enjoy them! the whole purpose is to make you think about your own life, not to write a response.
      As for the second point, I’ll try to find a way to do that. i don’t want to write it in the post itself because it can influence people’s responses, but I’ll try to be the first one to answer 🙂

  2. A series of questions? Like a project? Or, maybe a resource or two for those wanting a deeper dive (even counseling or advice)? For example, in the answering of an initial question or your potential follow-up, I can more easily distill where programmatic or deficient thinking might play a role in my answer. Then I go off to find the source of the thought in order to ‘free’ the imposed self-limitation but often don’t know where to go so end up in other places that have more questions but not at all about what I started delving into. So I might answer a question about love, wonder why I think a thing and end up reading about fire ants. Random I know, but if a photo of fire ants was next to a love article I would wonder why and unfortunately would not be able to sleep until I learned a bit them, if that makes sense. Maybe resource(s) / links to related blogs/articles/projects/etc is where I’m headed and not so much project?

      1. I enjoyed the whole of them and various insights imparted. It’s difficult for me to look at a question or response without taking it apart and analyzing it piece by piece, letter by letter. It is why I end up in other places but regardless, all is rich and valuable because it leads me to unexpected places and when uncomfortable it’s an especially good place. From the perspective of helping me in some way, affirmative.

        Developing serenity is my ultimate aim. The more developed it is in me, the more it can be shared with those I come in contact with, the more they can share it with those they come in contact with…

        Thank you for holding the light of peace as you simultaneously pose questions that occasionally ask a person to consider their darkness, that they might seek their way out.

      2. Thank you for reading and for this thoughtful comment! Life has both good parts and bad parts, but that doesn’t mean it’s good or bad. It just is! And sometimes we need help getting out of some bad phases and I believe it’s our duty to offer that help…

  3. So many of the questions delve into items I’d not considered or thought about in eons. I like the idea of a series, plans of actions, or how to organize all of the overthinking into stifling worry.

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