I’m A Writer, Not A Notification Checker

But I Forget That…

Writing is a part of the writing job. Checking notifications isn’t. (Or is it?)

It could be. ‘Cause it feels that way. When I check notifications and emails, it feels as if I’m doing some important work.

Every time turn this device on and log in to Medium, my eyes get fixed onto the bell icon.

Dear Medium,
You need to reposition that bell icon for real. It's reducing the quality of your respected contributors.

(I always wanted to experiment this gray background writing. It looks so professional!)

Anyways, jokes apart, it’s a distraction.

I’m always trying to track down my notifications in some or the other way.

In my head, checking emails and keeping a track of claps or likes is a “part of the job.” (Yeah, right! 😒)

If this truly was a part of the job, I should’ve been successful a long time ago. Because I’m putting my sweat and blood into this part of the job. (Mmm…sarcasm, I like that!)

Okay fine, I’m done insulting myself. Don’t worry, I’m not starting on you.

The Pain!

These days, the thing that is hurting me the most is that I’m not writing. I am, but I’m not.

It’s confusing, right? I did that on purpose. To confuse your brains.

I’m still writing. But I’m not giving it it’s due. Jeff Goins has delivered an important sentence in one of his articles I recently read,

Don’t give income too much importance in creative work, but give it its due.

He said income, for me, it’s marketing. I’m putting too much of myself into marketing.

I wish creative work was more about checking stats on Medium and your blog, it would’ve worked out better for me.

I’m still unable to maintain or create a balance between the two tasks.

Checking notifications and responding to emails and comments has to be done. But it’s supposed to be done when it’s supposed to be done. (Wow! I liked that sentence!)

Writing is supposed to be done when it’s supposed it to be done!

You get that! Mr. Aspiring Author! You get it!?

Most likely…

I’m even fed up of other activities that draw my attention away from writing.

Like turning the browser into action and clicking on a YouTube video. Or searching about the upcoming Avengers film.

Or how “Venom” can meet “Spiderman” in the next movie.

Long story short, doing everything but writing. Now I understand why focus is such a big issue in the 21st century.

And why Benjamin P. Hardy defines focus as the new I.Q. And this I.Q. is so hard to acquire. 😢

But I’ll do it. (Yeah! Positive messaging, I like it!)


I’m a writer, not a notification checker. I need to understand this. (Am I getting too serious?)

I love writing so much. I love sharing so much. Every time I do it I feel good. I feel better than before.

If I still can’t glue myself to the chair and produce some quality content, I’m getting nowhere.

Oh hey! There’s a notification! See you later guys! Bye Bye!

(Writer gone offline…)

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34 thoughts on “I’m A Writer, Not A Notification Checker

  1. I tell myself that I’m here to read what other writers are doing, interact with their stuff, and post my own creations.
    If I don’t focus I feel just like you do- working but not. I guess we’re all feeling this. At this point it should be obvious but please keep writing, my friend!

  2. Love “focus as the new IQ”. There are so many distractions for everyone these days, not only writers! Part of the problem is that social media has become a vehicle for self-promotion and yes, we becomes slaves to those those notifications! As a published writer (under a pseudonym, for Mills and Boon) there is an unspoken expectation that I promote my book(s) via all the usual channels. But, there’s the whole etiquette thing of not being too blatant about it (don’t you hate those Twitter accounts that only include the “Buy my book” posts?), so the circle of activity widens – you must be “social” and interact with other lovely people (which is great to be fair) but it’s all a time hog – checking notifications, likes, making sure you respond to happy readers (getting a good review never grows old!) If you step back for a moment though, you get to thinking: “Hey, I’ve put in the work! I wrote the damn book! Surely the promotion and ceaseless social media stuff should fall to the publisher.” It’ll never happen I know, but all this does put a huge load on writers, or frankly, any other self-employed person (I’m a pro-photographer and have to do social media for that business too). I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way not to get distracted by notifications is to switch them off. Following my own advice, I’m currently taking a social media holiday so I can focus on life and writing and the other things I love to do. I recommend it: it’s good for the soul!

    1. Sure. But be honest to yourself when you answer this question, does it stay limited? Where is most of our attention going? Notification checking, stats checking or actual writing and content development? I found myself getting addicted to notifications, and thus decided to share my thoughts. Notifications and stats are like tools. They’re for use, not for over-use. Overuse of anything exhausts us or the resource.

      Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!

      1. I’ll keep this in mind. But well, it’s still up to the people. I know some of them who are obsess on what other people think but it’s not yet at that point where it is all that matters.

  3. hahaha_______ y’know, nobody couldn’t be wrong with such a title… who isn’t agree with it, is an invidious or it didn’t appear on its stream_________ 👍😉

  4. I am always amazed when I read a blog entry and see comments. I don’t worry about notifications, for at best there are a handful of likes, and rare is it that comments happen.

    When someone has something to say to me, I am happy to respond.

    I’ve been blogging since 2011 and very little interaction has resulted. What am I doing wrong? Or maybe it’s a blessing in disguise.

    Write on, writer!

  5. This is why Jonathan Franzen always writes on an old laptop that gets disconnected from the internet connection, buddy. 🙂
    At times writing offline is just what it needs to write with ease.

  6. It’s so hard not to wander off task to check notifications. Especially when you just published something and you want to see what kind of reaction it’s getting. Social media has literally built their platforms to keep you addicted to the little dopamine hits you receive when you get new notifications. I take my computer offline when I write and I’ve removed all social apps from my phone. And I STILL catch myself sneaking off to check. You have to be really mindful and disciplined. Excellent post! I won’t expect you to reply to the comment, lol. Close the browser!

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