52 thoughts on “Question of the Day – No. 341

      1. I stopped because I was too caught up in tangible results; too caught up in feedback, and knowing whether I made a difference or not. My mindset was that if I didn’t see any results, what I was trying to achieve must be useless. I had to shift my mindset to that of “by doing, you help; regardless if someone say anything or not.”

      2. I really understand this idea very well. I think about that too from time to time and I keep working at this because I know it’s not about numbers, but about the idea.

  1. The music I listen to, the books that I read, the people I interact with, life. But it’s more about what I choose to react to, how I react to it. What I choose to be important and invest in and what I deem to be negative and let go of.

      1. Usually whatever I’m doing on day-to-day basis, for example at the end of a day if I feel that I haven’t accomplished much or anything at all I’ll tend to think about how I “wasted” the day and from there the thought process spirals out of control into nothing but negativity, but on the other hand I find whenever I’m doing something I love aka my hobbies or especially when I’m working towards my distant goal I’m engulfed with pure bliss and rapture, thinking of nothing but the good things in life. Coincidence, I think not, mood is based of ones thought process if ya ask me.

  2. My cats and my music. My cats are hilarious, and my music … well, my music helps me forget about what’s bugging me. Even if it’s only for a little while.
    We just finished a particularly long week at work with extra stories and extra pages, so I bottle of wine and a silent cellphone will make me really happy.

  3. Hmmm…VIDEO GAMES. They bring your hopes up, and as a test of strength sometimes bring them crashing right down. Wins and losses are a frustrating thing. Because everyone plays, everyone puts in effort, to win. But with a game it is never guaranteed – so frustrating.

      1. I like it when I’m in familiar surroundings with people that I know as it’s less strain mentally. I still go on regular holidays to various parts of the world though just to make sure I’m still growing.

  4. Great question. I’ve been curious about it for years. It doesn’t seem to be the same for everyone. Some people have a much steadier mood than myself and other people are more labile. My mood is very much a daily change, modified in rhythms that I think are about 8 hours runs.

    The daily mood change seem to be caused by a mix of causes, with one or possibly a few dominating ones. The driving forces are what and when I eat, and how much physical activity I do, and to a lesser extent what happens during the day (I’m referring to the mood change to the next day, after waking up).

    Metabolism and related processes during the night, and the dreams provoked thereby seem to lay the foundation. But the most important factor that sets the mood is probably the first thoughts when I wake up. They are like a blue print for the rest of the day, the gateway to the the daily fray.

    The first thought is mostly one of a choice of a number of old and known thought patterns. They too are brought to the front by what happens during sleep and in particular the moment of waking up. If a dream hasn’t reached it’s conclusion, or come to a natural end, I might wake up with a leftover of the emotion that wasn’t worked through in the dream.

    Metabolism is probably the most important influence on how I sleep and the quality of the dreams.

    So the short answer to your question might be that the mood changes are dominated by what you ate and what you did the day before, leading to how you wake up and the choice of certain thoughts over others as the first upon waking up.

    1. Have you found a “working recipe” for you? I mean, have you noticed what type of food you need to eat and what kind of thoughts are helpful to set your mood proper for great day?

      1. Your asking for the formula for optimal living. No, it’s a daily struggle to stay on course, listening to the body and what is effectively a daily intuition.

        An hour of strenuous physical activity a day, keep lean, and don’t eat after six, get enough sleep so you can dream through, and give yourself a moment before latching on to the first thoughts of the day, a moment of contentedness. They’ll all do good.

        Then there are thoughts of death. A daily awareness of the brevity of your life helps put things into perspective, but can also invite a morose mood.

        There’s a whole batch of self stimulation (not referring to masturbation). Reading, writing, singing and dancing, whatever get the pot cooking and process whatever you have in the basket of you mind. Doing and sweating are generally great for affecting your own mood.

        Finally, the greatest contribution to a good and constructive mind frame: love. Having a partner and a loving relationship is the greatest thing there is for a steady daily mood. Nothing works as good as seeing a loved one as the first sight when you wake up.
        Happiness as such tends to make you superficial and forgetful though (but who cares when the going is good).

        I am sliding into writing about controlling and setting a good mood for the day, where the more important question is how you mange to navigate all the so-called bad moods. As I indicate in the first post, I believe metabolism is at the root of much that goes through our minds in the mood department. Perhaps bad mood is natural, to some of us at least, and, like in most other aspects of life, the trick is navigation, the daily struggle of not getting pulled down. (Can’t help but notice that the strongest force that work on us relentlessly is gravity, and as such, being pulled down is a fundamental condition, one the intellect and the desire to soar and remain alive after death strives to overcome).

        That’s gotta be enough verbosity for one reply.

        What do have in return? Bogdan, master of this blog. 🙂

      2. Wow! Thank you very much for this thoughtful comment! I also have tough thoughts (depressive, death-related and so on), but their influence diminished over the years due to the fact that I understand they are just thoughts that come from old core beliefs. The things we do and the way we relate to the thoughts we have can decide how much power they have over us, as a whole entity.

  5. Negatively: people being rude, realising how the majority are careless or fake, and stress. I really cope with stress badly, I stress from being stressed 😀 and this affects my whole day. Positively: some self-time to read, speaking with my friends and family, chocolate, sport, a good movie, and most of all sharing the routine with my partner after a long, tiring day.

      1. Unfortunately, it is often the other way around, but the positive ones at the end of the day have more weight 🙂

    1. Stress from being stressed. Yes. It’s a thing. A terrible thing. It’s like more depression from getting depressed and building anxiety from getting anxious. It’s a never ending cycle! And that self care you’re doing? It’ll always help to reset it! That’s all we can do. Good job for focusing on the positive as well as on the negative. They are both realities of our daily existence that we are forced to carry.

      1. So true! There’s very little we can do about it, that is why it is so important and precious to do it. 🙂

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