32 thoughts on “Question of the Day – No. 349

      1. hmmmm sometimes I find it interesting that a person will talk to me about a certain thing. The conversations I enjoy most are full of variety & new information. I don’t remember most of them though.

  1. Me!!!
    Joking – I’m not that much of a narcissist (but I think most of us like talking about our own stuff).

    I like conversations that challenge my existing world view, not opposing views necessarily just different- ones that change how I think about things.

    So recently (cos I’ve had lots of interesting conversations and I can’t really rate a specific one as the most interesting) my most interesting ones have been about binary non-binary gender roles and identities and non-linear conceptualisation of time.

  2. I enjoyed having a conversation with my 96 years old patient. We discuss about how was the life and living of Chicago city and rest of Illinois state while she was growing up. I can picture old times life and nature whenever I miss her conversation.

    1. That indeed sounds like an interesting conversation! Have you asked for an advice? I guess that 96 years old of experience raised lots of wisdom.

  3. I’ve had so many good conversations from AI doing exactly what it did in the Terminator films, which Stephen Hawking also warned about, to us actually having contact with aliens. If you e ever read the Chariot of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken you will understand my thoughts on it.

      1. Yes you should check it out. I tried liking your comment but not sure if I’ve done it write. 🤓

  4. It was about whether or not the cop in the pizza place / booze store knew that my friends and I had been doing things not strictly legal. He told us to go home, it was late and the next day was Thanksgiving. One of us said not if we never go home! And then I said, “Wow, if we never go home and go to bed and never wake up, it will never be Thanksgiving.” My friends were suitably impressed that I had dropped this knowledge poof, just like that. Oh well, I guess you would have had to been there. It was the 70’s…

  5. I had it with my teacher.. it was like last school day of my life and that day me and my 2 friends went to her. We were soo consumed in her stories that we didn’t knew it was more than 2 hrs talking.. felt like staying there all the time.
    She told about her own stories.. real life. And had soo many teachings in them. Seriously when you look back in past it gives a clearer picture than when you were there in past 😊

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