66 thoughts on “Question of the Day – No. 353

      1. I’ve written about 4.5 pages (double spaced) … and I’m probably half-way done my story. How do people write moreee? lol!

  1. The one that relates to my style of thinking, there’s only being one or two books that are explained exactly as I wanted, one being: The philosophy of life, which is by far the best read I have ever read. 👍

  2. I’d like to read a book that takes into account the real advancements in human society and makes predictions of the future that aren’t the same genocide filled dystopia crap we get from just about every sci-fi book these days.

    What’s yours?

    1. Just have a look at the Innovation & technology reports of major consulting firms or OEMs (often available online) and you will get an outlook. But admittedl, you won`t find any fiction for entertainment…Well, why not authoring a SiFi book on your own?

    2. I’d like to read a book full of questions that helps me increase my level of self-knowledge. Actually, I’m in the process of creating this book! 😀

  3. I would say it is hard to imagine. Books that I read gave me a lots of knowledge and I am still learning. I guess books that can teach me even more.

  4. This may be the opposite, but I’d like to read a book I once read a million times in elementary school-but can’t remember the title. Only the story line.

      1. A girl and her family move into a home into a new home next to a cemetery. (Cliche I know) and the girl becomes aware of a ghost-Heather. A young ghost girl who is lonely. Ultimately the ghost girl tries to drown the young girl so she won’t be alone.

      1. It has some similarity to the Russian language hence horrorshow is a bad rendering of an actual Russian word but I can’t write in Russian.

  5. My dad grew up in West Dulwich in London during ww2. I loved to listen to his stories about his life. I did ask him to write down about his life. Which he did but he only got as far as going to Oxford university on a scholarship as he passed away before he could finish it.

      1. Maybe. I’ve also had my mum do the same for her life as well. So at some point their stories will overlap.

      1. Considering she can speak Greek there is a high possibility of this. I have in fact wanted to buy one previously but I don’t have the money.

  6. The one I got for Xmas that I haven’t managed to find time to get to yet. Ironically the title of that book is “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**K”.

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