5 Reasons Why You Should Write Daily

How often do you write? If it’s not daily, you might need to reconsider this. I’m not necessarily talking about blogging, but more about writing in general. Maybe you think you don’t have enough time for it or maybe you think it’s not helpful and it’s just a waste of time, but is it really?

Based on my writing experience and on what others think about this topic, I’ve compiled a list of 7 reasons why you should write daily:

1. It (re-)teaches you to focus on only one area

Have you noticed how hard it is to focus these days? Everything and everyone seem to want something from us. Every company is fighting to get our attention and being bombarded with so many things from so many sources makes us develop a habit of being all over the place.

2. You are forced to shape your thoughts

This is somehow related to the first topic, but with a different effect. If you ever felt overwhelmed, you know how hard it is to take things one at a time. Your head seems to explode from all those ideas that seem to be equally important, so they equally seek for your attention. And because they all seek for attention, they create a mix from which is hard to extract independent ideas. Furthermore, since you have a mix of ideas, you’ll have a mix of emotions, which can bring you up or pull you down. Through writing you can take each idea one at a time.

3. It gives you a liberating experience

Through writing, you take the things you have inside and throw them out on a paper or in a word document. After that, you can do whatever you want with it. You can even burn it, as some psychologists recommend, thanks to the emotional transfer between you and that paper.

4. You can view your ideas from a third person’s perspective

Have you ever had the feeling of something being very powerful in your head, but it turned out very stupid when you tried to express it? This one of the effects of having the idea written. Seeing it outside your body allows you to think about “stuff” related to the idea, not about the idea itself. It allows you to zoom out a little and see the whole picture instead of focusing on a certain part of it. You know that tree-forest reference, I’m not going to mention it again.

5. It brings you self-awareness

Imagine being accompanied by someone 24/7. Wouldn’t you like to know everything you can about that person? Well, that person is YOU! You are with yourself 24/7, but I’m sure there are times when you surprise yourself reacting or thinking in a way you never thought it is possible for you. Through daily writing, you catch that idea or that behavior and, as I mentioned at no. 4, you can see it from a different perspective.

As a bonus reason, writing daily is fun as long as you stay true to yourself and it also allows you to get in touch more with your audience, if you are a blogger (which you probably are).

Ok, I’ve mentioned my reasons, but yours might be different. How important it is for you to write daily?

57 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why You Should Write Daily

  1. 1) Therapy-writing is the only therapy that has worked for me.

    2) Relationships-as a person who has agoraphobia I don’t get outside or have many experiences with ‘real’ people, so my characters become my world.

    3) Vent- I can release all my fears, anger, anxiety, etc. into my writing.

      1. Yes. I didn’t write for about three years. It was a downward spiral I barely escaped. But hey, I found my love for it again and appreciate it so much more now. I think I needed to walk away to fall in that hole.

  2. Writing daily is so important to me! If I don’t write the day just feels…wrong. It is incredibly therapeutic and knowing that I made progress on my WIP is so fulfilling!

  3. Love this, great points! I made the intention to write everyday this month and I’ve been happily surprised! I was worried that I’d run dry on ideas and inspiration, but it’s actually boosted my creativity and made me realize what I love writing about.

  4. Writing daily keeps me motivated and driving towards my goal. It also is very therapeutic to me. If my laptop or tablet is on and my headphones are in, that means I’m in my zone and trying to find peace. 🖤

  5. I’ve recently come upon a quick read that talks about creativity and summoning ones “muse”. Simply put, every morning one should write their ‘morning pages’. In this quick write, you should dump everything that is on your mind down on paper. It could be grammatically incorrect or chicken scratch, but as long as you commit to this ritual, you will be free during the rest of the day to more receptive to your inner creative-ness. Just started doing these myself and it is real easy to find ideas and the like for wherever your interests lie.

      1. Very much so. Only the difference being a strict routine schedule. And it is very important that it is the first order of business for the day. A clear head opens up the rest of the day.

  6. I cannot simply let a day pass without reading or writing something. I am pursuing PhD currently and so, I NEED to write almost everyday. But I still keep some time everyday to devote myself to read something on life in general and on organic lifestyle in particular. I write down the wonderful thoughts of other authors in a diary. I also note down my own thoughts and life experiences. Life seems to get much easier this way. Now I have started my own blog https://soulsearcher.life/ where I get to share my feelings and ideas with different people. Although it has been only 2 months now since I first started to take my blog seriously, I am enjoying the process already.

  7. This is so true and relatable. I could litreally relate to every point you’ve mentioned above and I’m glad i found this, to read. Thank you 🙂

  8. I aim for 1,000 words even if it’s just writing about the day I had. If I’m not writing, I try and look up resources that will help my writing or website. Same as music. Practicing every day makes a person a better musician too.

  9. Agree!
    The liberating one is absolutely true. Sometimes you have a lot of things going on in your mind. Writing helps you to get rid of it and relaxes you.
    Most of times it happens that we think about some topic differently, but after we begin writing, we can think of new perspectives and expand our vision and knowledge too.

  10. This is pretty accurate ! I mean, I already have challenged myself to do this, but it also gives me a sense of pride when I put out something each day, even if I’m not getting too much feedback for it. I can’t really tell if I’ve gotten better, but it really tests what I can do in terms of my ability

  11. Thanks for this, I take it as a reminder and encouragement. I sometimes tend to think that my reflections are not as relevant, so I keep them for myself… Or that I have no ideas at all! But it’s not true, because as I start writing ideas start coming up, and it turns out they are more than I expected (and need to be sorted out). So, as in all things, discipline here is the key. The key to a lot of positive effects, really… So thanks again!

  12. It does a lot for me in other areas of life that I wouldn’t expect, like I’m able to hold conversation a lot better than I could before. But at the same time it’s not always possible for me to do it everyday with my other responsibilities

  13. I always struggle with writing every day. I know personally that I tend to do better writing a few times a week rather than daily, as it just seems to work better for me. But my bigger issue is: what constitutes “writing” every day? Does it include editing? Worldbuilding? Researching? Those are all important parts of writing, too, but I feel guilty when I get bogged down in researching or worldbuilding because it isn’t actual “writing.”

  14. This happened to me recently. I thought in a way I never thought I could think. This is about getting to know ourselves more. Thanks for this piece of art.

  15. I hadn’t made the connection that one way writing helps me is by helping me focus on one thought at a time! Having inherited my dad’s ADHD means I’m thinking about a million things at once all the time, but that sums up to what actually feels like silent, empty static. It’s only by writing that I can tune into any thoughts at all… but from what you said, that might be that writing is the only time I can pick out a single thought to follow.

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