15 thoughts on “5 (More) Things We Should Give A Lot Less Fucks About.

  1. Hhhhmmmmm….. well while I agree there are many topics swirling around that I could give two shits about a few of these I feel are a bit off base. If I as an American citizen don’t care about who is leading my country and what direction we are going in than that indicates a real problem to me. I feel very much that we are treading into some scary waters like a 1984, handmaidens tale type scenario. Ignorance is not bliss it’s just ignorance. And as far as feminism is concerned- just because something is not quantifiable in your opinion does not make it any less true or unconscionable. The reality is that even are statistics on violence and harassment of women are incorrect because many of these happenings still are underreported. I am not sure where you live or what your gender is but I think you may want to re-evaluate your line of thinking. If we stop giving a fuck than our right to stop giving a fuck may be revoked entirely…… ijs, there are far more things to give zero fucks about…..

    1. It’s sad that the reality is hidden while we are led to believe that some random things are more important than others. I’m not sure what decides what’s important and what’s not, but we can change that daily.

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