Knowledge is… power?

pave your own path
Drawing by Adrian Serghie

It is said that knowledge is power. If so, why do we get upset sometimes when we find out some things? I think that it’s because we sometimes have strong beliefs which get in conflict with the answers we are finding out by asking those questions. Ok, but why do we ask the questions if we already have the strong beliefs? I think that it’s because we’re searching for external approval that our beliefs are true and we’re expecting a positive answer.

    I think that if we do ask some question, we should be prepared to get answers we don’t like. The real issue here is what we’re going to do with those answers. Are we going to accept them and learn something from them? Are we going to believe in them? Are we going to refuse them? Are we going to question that answer even more? I think that the best answer to all these questions is that each answer has a certain message to send. But what is the message? Well, we have to ask additional questions to see if there are any conflicting messages.

   When I say asking a question I don’t mean to ask somebody something. You could ask yourself and see the answer through observing that person or situation (you can see here my post about the art of observing the others) because the non-verbal language is harder to control. We are paying attention on what we’re saying (most of the time), but we’re not paying attention to our body language which is sending the real messages.

   But again, why do we ask questions we don’t want to know the answer to? I think that sometimes we can’t help ourselves. In our pursuit of being right, we’re finding answers we don’t like. I don’t know if we should accept them as they are or we should question everything which is exhausting… I’m still working on finding an answer here.

What are the questions you’ve asked and you hated the answers?

16 thoughts on “Knowledge is… power?

  1. My post is a bit different, but the pet about nonverbal cues resonates with me for sure! And thinking about why we ask questions we don’t want the answers to…we don’t always know that till we hear the answer, or we want to punish ourselves because we think we’re not worthy, or we are being brave (hey, it happens!)

  2. I think the hardest thing I’ve asked is if I’ve done something to hurt someone-and hearing that I have in fact, said or done something. I never want to hurt another person. Sometimes, my honesty is too much.

  3. I used to believe knowledge is power, until I realized I know a lot because I always have to know the answers. But knowing wasn’t enough. Now I say, Action is power. Once we know something we need to take the next step and do something to make it sit better. If I don’t care enough to take action: apologize to someone, join in a protest to something I feel is wrong, stop buying what someone is selling, then it can’t matter enough to bother with.

  4. For the questions that one truly asks oneself, it is impossible to hate the answers if the answers come from within oneself. That is how transformation happens, not through answers that come from an external source, both persons and inanimate.

  5. I find it hard when I’m asking for other’s acceptance of who I am. And tbh, I hate when the answer is ‘rejection’. But, I think I have to learn to receive it whole-heartedly because it also happened to anyone else, not only me.

  6. I think that society treats knowledge as a thing to be had and, therefore, knowledge is seen to be give power. I would argue that Western World school systems are very much based on this interpretation. We work hard in school to gain knowledge, which gives us power. Not knowing is interpreted as a weakness, and so people become hesitant to admit that they don’t know; they don’t want to be seen as weak. With regard to not wanting to know some answers, I wonder whether this is because it has the potential to put us in a position of discovering that we don’t really know something, or removing our power. I personally like to interpret knowledge as the ability to take action. For me, thinking of it in that way removes the need for knowledge to be had or owned, and opens up the possibility of me being a learner and finding out how to take action if I don’t immediately know.

  7. You’re really talking about what some in America refer to as “tribalism.” Tribes always seek out information that reinforces their preconceived notions about the world and everything in it, and they see the world as a duality–us versus them. Those who are deeply tribal in their “thinking” see information that challenges their narrow understandings as “fake” (or “fake news”). I don’t find reactionary people asking questions. They worship their “authorities” and are therefore attracted to authoritarianism. These authorities provide them with all the answers they think they need. The questioning mind is the opposite of the authoritarian mind.

    1. I guess that’s why there are so many systems in place to keep us busy and to not question the authority. Of course, they not always work, but we are all slave of something…

  8. So how is knowledge power? Getting upset over the things we believe because we don’t hear what we want to hear- isn’t knowledge. Power is a broad meaning which in different contexts can paint very different images. Saying knowledge is power isn’t about what any of us think. Knowledge is knowledge it’s meant to be unbiased and simply the information on any given thing. Gaining more knowledge creates more understanding- when you understand you can than see both sides of any story. Even if you don’t agree- this can be more powerful than other aspects. Why ? Not just knowing but understanding the most stood in a room? …….. you tell me

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