More thoughts on destiny…

A few days ago, Bogdan brought up destiny in one of his posts, which got me thinking more about this notion. It often seems, or at least is presented as, mysterious. But on reflection, the basic concept itself was fairly straightforward. One’s destin-y is one’s eventual destin-ation. It’s where you’ll arrive, the place you’ll end up at. Except, of course, it may not literally be a place. More likely, a destiny is something you’ll do, something you’ll be, or something that will happen to you. You’re destined for it, moving toward it somehow, though most likely not as the crow flies…

Photo by John Wu on

In mulling this over, a couple differences in how people can think about destiny showed up. For one, destiny may be thought of as something determined and arranged by powerful beings or at least intentional, thinking forces. The Fates, weaving the destinies of mortals, offer an ancient and poetic visoin of this, while the notion of God’s plan is commonplace today. On the other hand, one’s destiny can be seen as an eventual outcome not intended by any mind or mind-like force, yet still determined in advance by natural laws of causation.

Both those views assume that one’s destiny is fully set in advance. But what of those who believe there to be randomness in the course of events? Epicureans held to this view, and present-day physics — or at any rate, common interpretations of its mathematics — suggest the same.

Again, what about the choices made by mortals? If these are not determined in advance, then here too, destiny would not be set in advance. And it would change, as Bogdan suggested in his post, “our destiny changes based on every decision we make.”

But doesn’t destiny need to be fully set in advance? I think that’s the most common way of thinking about it. And, I suppose a destiny that could be foretold would need to be already set. But even if your destination is yet to be determined — whether by randomness or not-yet-decided choices — you’ll still have one, and only one. It just isn’t fully fixed in place yet… Right?

Howsoever one imagines destiny — as predetermined by powerful godlike beings, by non-intentional causal forces, or as partially indeterminate until the end thanks to randomness and/or the choices of mortals — it seems one’s destiny can’t be known in advance. This, I think, is what is most truly, deeply mysterious about it. (I’m setting aside, of course, the occasional prophetic revealing of a destiny, which perhaps this occurs only in literature and is, in any case, uncommon.)

Somehow, this seems of great importance: that we do not and cannot know our destiny.

It also makes one wonder:

Is it possible then to follow — or not to follow — one’s destiny?

How can you follow it if you can’t know what the destination is?

And how could you help but follow it if it is, by definition and perhaps predetermination, the place you’ll end up at?

Can one thus meaningfully defy or follow fate?

I’ll leave the matter there for now. Very interested to hear your thoughts or experiences!


Philosophic Advisor Cleveland‘s own WordPress website and blog may be found here.

11 thoughts on “More thoughts on destiny…

  1. I like linking “destiny” to “destination”. I’m not much for the idea that it’s preordained. It can be foreseen, however, as you pointed out, as the logical end result of actions. There are many things that are out of our control that impact our lives; I think for me my destiny is an ideal of the kind of person I hope I am at the end. Accomplishments external are less relevant. My destiny then is impacted and determined by the choices I make each day, moment to moment.

    1. Thanks, Em! I like how you tied destiny into both of these things: following what you value most for who you are, even if “aspirationally” in terms of who you’ll become; and also the importance of one’s own, present-moment choices, as distinguished from external achievements and such things.

  2. Thanks, Em! I like how you tied destiny into both of these things: following what you value most for who you are, even if “aspirationally” in terms of who you’ll become; and also the importance of one’s own, present-moment choices, as distinguished from external achievements and such things.

      1. I don’t know how empowering it makes me feel, but it causes me to take responsibility for my own actions and choices. I am not an automaton, I am a free moral agent.

  3. Isn’t that what ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ is about, in a manner of speaking? Not the destination, or the destiny, but how you get there and who you become? Arthur would have gone on doing the same things until he died (Vogons or not) had Ford not stepped in. In our own lives, we have to BE Ford – we have to implement changes, we have to face what we’re not wanting to, and become MORE than who were were before.
    It would be very easy – so easy – not to push back. To be the same person, with the same views, the same outlook, and expectations of ourselves, never to evolve, and say “Ah, it is my destiny to be this.” Horsefeathers! As humans we are gifted with ways of communication and curiosity – it would be a damned shame to waste them.

  4. Thank you for this wonderful post! The idea that our destiny is not foreordained can really be empowering. The sad part is that I see examples where people use the idea of destiny as an excuse to not pursue what they want. I’ve heard too many of “it’s not destined to be” or “if it’s destined to be, it will be”; people putting almost zero effort towards that direction.

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