Napping as an Act of Defiance


By Troy Headrick

I’ve been thinking a lot about defiance lately.  Actually, because I’m very much a contrarian at heart, I’m always thinking about ways to defy.  That’s what contrarians do; they defy conventional wisdom (among other things).  (By the way, it seems pretty clear that we need a lot more contrarians in the world.)

I guess you could also say that I’m part of the resistance against Trump and Trumpism.  This is another manifestation of my defiant nature.  I know that immigrants—I’m married to an immigrant and have been one myself—contribute so much to the places they move to, making those locales more vibrant and interesting.  I believe, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation, that we are all members of one family called “the human family.”  I believe the rich and powerful have used their wealth and influence to rig the system in their favor and that those in the middle and working classes need to work collectively to wrest control away from the elites in order to achieve real socio-economic justice.  I push back against the rise of white nationalism and white supremacy and against any political figure, faction, or party that would give oxygen to such hateful ideologies and movements.  As an educator, I know that I play an important role in speaking out and creating awareness among those who may not be paying enough attention to the ugly rise of xenophobia and intolerance.  If believing in these things and in taking such actions makes me a troublemaker or resister, then so be it.  I proudly proclaim myself to be DEFIANT.

My interest in defiance is also being piqued by my reading of Little Pink House: A True Story of Defiance and Courage, a work of nonfiction, authored by Jeff Benedict.  Though I’m only a little way into the book right now, I know that Benedict tells the story of Susette Kelo’s fight to keep her New London, Connecticut, home even though wealthy property developers used the power of eminent domain to confiscate her place after a years-long struggle in the courts and elsewhere.  It seems perfectly clear that we need more Susette Kelos in the world.

Up to this point, I’ve been talking about big acts of resistance.  There are, however, smaller ways of pushing back against those things that deserve pushback.  (By “smaller” I certainly do not mean “less meaningful.”)  In fact, I’d like to argue that napping is a very powerful and life-affirming form of defiance.

Most of us have been raised to believe that inactivity can be seen as an indicator of laziness.  We are taught that “idle hands are the devil’s tools” (or some version thereof).  Those of us raised in capitalist societies learn early on that success is measured by material gain and that wealth is acquired through ambition and industry and so we judge our value, as humans, on whether or not we are living in such a way that promotes “prosperity.”  Many have bought into this idea so thoroughly that they’ve become workaholics or developed other forms of mental illness.  Others suffer from something called “Hurry Sickness.”  (I encourage everyone to read the article I’ve linked to, especially the sections on the symptoms of this malady and the ways to cure it.)

During the last two weekends, my wife and have taken wonderfully long naps.  During these blissful escapes, we actively resisted the urge to be productive.  Withdrawing from the world of action and industry was like lifting a yoke from our backs.  By the way, most nights I’m a fitful sleeper, and I take my frequent insomnia as a sign of how deeply the world has its talons embedded in my flesh.  Often, during restless nights, I find that I’m not willing to (or capable of) letting go of those preoccupations that took root in my mind during the daytime.  So it takes a powerful willfulness to escape the pull of consciousness.  Napping is a powerful way to assert one’s desire to simply be—to exist.

Not surprisingly, we woke up from these naps feeling deeply rested, even renewed to the point of being reborn.  This sense of being rejuvenated was accompanied by a profound sense of well-being—a feeling of being spiritually reconstituted and reoriented.

I look forward to reading your responses to my piece.

Troy Headrick’s personal blog can be found here.

78 thoughts on “Napping as an Act of Defiance

    1. Certainly, when we nap, the body rests, but napping also gives us the opportunity to totally get away from the drain of consciousness and all the pressures that come with that pressure. When we wake up, there’s this odd sense of being reborn. Thanks so much for your comment.

    1. I’m a “question authority” type person as well. Simply accepting what so-called “authorities” say and shaping our lives around their dictates is a dangerous form of foolishness. You’ll note that “authoritarianism” has the word “authority” in it. Authoritarianism is simple believing authorities uncritically. Thanks for the context.

  1. This is a brilliant article! More contrarians are certainly needed in the world, especially in this late-stage capitalist society we live which pressures us to work and monetize more and more of our lives. We won’t be able to divorce the idea that we must work ourselves to death to be valuable and therefore happy unless we learn how happy we are when not worked to death!

    1. The economic system we live in has taken total control of us. First of all, it figured out a way to monopolize our time by turning us into working obsessive compulsives who are willing to give “their all” for their employers. Then it got inside our heads and convinced us to obsess about the making of money as we all were inculcated with the idea that being poor is a sign that one has “failed” while being rich is an indicator of “success” and “value.” This means they own our bodies and our minds and have even changed culture. We need to look for opportunities to resist against such forces. They certainly have power, but we minimize their power when we think critically about what they have done and are doing to us. Thanks so much for your insightful comment.

    1. Hi, Anthony. Yes, our employers have always been our “bosses” but the control exerted over the working classes has become nearly complete in recent years. They use technology to have constant access to us and the PC now allows us to take work home or to work remotely. Freedom and self-determination is in decline and employers are becoming more akin to owners (in the sense that they “own” their employees). Absolutely, all this has to change. If it doesn’t, the masses will eventually become so pissed off that they’ll finally make it known–perhaps even using violence to communicate their message–that they are truly fed up. Thanks for your comment.

    1. Having lived in five countries, most of which could be called “developing” (I hate that condescending terminology though), I can tell you that many people in other places don’t have this hurry sickness. It’s a sickness that Americans have given themselves. Thank you for your comment.

  2. “Most of us have been raised to believe that inactivity can be seen as an indicator of laziness.” << I thought about it, totally true!

    1. What can appear to be “Inactivity” is just activity taking another form. Thinking, for example, looks like inactivity from the outside. But thinking is one of the most important activities a person can do. We need more thinkers and therefore activity of this sort. Is that want you mean? Thanks for the comment.

      1. Exactly. Creativity requires downtime. Deep thinking requires downtime. And busy-ness doesn’t equal productivity and in fact often detracts from it (not that being productive is the sole purpose of life, but constantly doing stuff is a bad idea even if we are focused on productivity.

      2. I totally agree with you. the old “Less is more” truism also relates to life. More action, more blood, sweat, and tears doesn’t guarantee productivity and it certainly doesn’t promote happiness and well-being. I’ve long argued against multitasking as well. (You can find pieces I’ve written about multitasking if you look back into my archived blogs.) Multitasking fragments us. What we need is the ability to come at tasks one at a time with greater powers of concentration. Multitasking is a kind of dilution of the self. Thanks for the comment

  3. I like naps but I usually only do so when I’m not in the mood to do anything that day. As for defiance…

    These days I often find myself questions anything while other people just seem to accept it without question because everybody else does so. My act of defiance is usually to do the opposite of whatever they are doing, do different things, or don’t do anything at all

    People strive to change and be different, which in opinion, ironically, makes them uniform as they start to adopt the same lifestyle, beliefs, and fashion. “Train insane or remain the same.” I mean, a lot of people do the exact same thing, so what’s different about it?

    Should there’s someone appear completely different from the rest, then they would treat and look at that person in scrutiny, which is unfortunate…

  4. So much truth in this post. I have a strong possibly genetic urge to buck, question and defy authority. I’ve learned that in my case these days, I prefer it for a cause or some value. I am trying to instill the whole “choose your battles” frame of reference into my daughter. Frankly, I prefer peace to constant defiance nowadays. But if I see an issue that requires defiance than I must act or my peace is squelched anyway. The chronic over scheduling of our busy lives is purely insane. I have to give myself, teach myself permission and acceptance to “do nothing” or recharge with quiet respite time. How did this become such a thing? I think in my own experience I have to remember that memories and experiences are what people will recall. Quiet conversations or crazy laughter. Time well spent together. Even napping. No one will care at my celebration of life how effective I was at conquering my “to do” list. So I am learning to embrace – no thank you. And fuck FOMO and listen to what my gut and heart and brain need. Thanks!

    1. I loved your line “No one will care at my celebration of life how effective I was at conquering my ‘to do’ list.” Absolutely! Like you, I generally buck against things but we do have to pick our fights. I think the two of us are pretty much on the same wavelength and see the world in very similar ways. Let’s celebrate “doing nothing” which, from my point of view, provides us with the space to achieve everything. Thanks for your comment.

  5. I’ve never really thought about these. Indeed, somehow we’ve been programmed to feel bad, whenever we just live our life and not be productive, especially by working to gain money. We’ve been taught to act like the sprockets of capitalism and we even admire mentally ill people like workaholics. This article would have helped me even more a couple of days ago, when I felt bad for myself, for not applying for a normal job I don’t like. Very well said mate!

    1. I have lived in several countries but I currently live in the US. In America, people think of rich people–those that have “achieved” great wealth–in the same way they view heroes. Meanwhile, people who self-actualize and help others live in obscurity and are not lionized. Our values are out of whack. We need to re-prioritize in a big way. Like you, I have felt that guilt. It’s incredible that our culture can teach us to feel guilty simply for taking time off and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Thanks so much for your comment.

  6. Fantastic piece. I hope you don’t mind if I share it? You articulated your feelings about why you are contrary and resist far better than I ever could. And now, to nap 🙂

    1. Thank you for the kind words. Of course I don’t mind! Please share it if you think it has value. I really appreciate that you’ve taken the time to read my writing and to participate in this conversation.

  7. I love your definition of a contrarian. And I really appreciate your devotion to “radical napping.” After all, (most cliched example;)) Walden wasn’t written on corporate lunch breaks. Here’s the thing: it takes time to get to know one’s self. It takes time to get to know what one thinks – sometimes years. And when people try to pull out the “hurry up” lines and social pressures, I always have Bob Dylan stuck in my head from the end of Hard Rains: ” I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinking/ But I’ll know my some well before I start singing…”. That’s the voice of someone who’s taken their own time to get the words right. Thanks for the post!

    1. Thank you for your very thought-provoking comment. I love your phrase “radical napping”! As a matter of fact, if I every collect the best of these blogs and republish them in book form, I think I’ll try to figure out how to use that phrase in the book title. I also really appreciated the Bob Dylan lyrics. By the way, do you blog? If so, why not post a link to your site here we can check out your writing.

  8. I so wish I could nap. I’m rarely able to sleep during the day, and if I do, I’m hung over for hours afterward. But I do take time to read whatever I want, play pointless games on my tablet, and otherwise occupy myself with activities entirely unrelated to productivity or money-making. It’s how I recharge so I can be productive or creative–or just enjoy more of my life.

    1. If it feels right, do it! I’m paying greater attention to that intuitive part of me the older I get. I used to be very hard on myself. When I was younger and trying to “establish myself” (whatever the hell that means), I used to drive myself like crazy. Now, when I want to do “nothing,” I do nothing.

  9. It has been said, that sleep is the work, and while awake, we are at rest. I feel sleep brings on the spiritual work of integration of mind and body. When I’m first falling asleep or just awaking, I can feel my heart is light and fully connected, before I become fully conscious to this physical world. Thank you for this thought provoking post.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience about falling to sleep. I’ve noticed recently, during these naps I wrote about in the blog, that I feel profoundly rested–not just just in a physical sense but spiritually as well–after waking up. It’s almost as if my body is telling me that I needed to escape the relentless pressure that comes at us from all sides when we’re conscious and involved in the “weight” of being conscious. Your sense of feeling “light” and “fully connected” is one I can certainly relate to. Thanks so much for you comment.

  10. This article made me feel a lot less alone! It reminded me of a book that’s out in paperback now called Not Working: Why We Have To Stop, by Josh Cohen, which seeks to reclaim idleness as a necessary pre-condition to being creative.

    I also wrote an article called ‘Work It” on my own blog (way back on June 4 last year if you really want to look for it) that asks why we continue to work so hard when we should be preparing for automation and the fact that many of the jobs we do now will soon be phased out.

    Some think the Protestant Work Ethic is a means of social control (ie keep the working classes busy because, if they enjoy themselves too much, they might be less obedient).

    Others – like Andrew Yang and Rutger Bregman – say we should have a universal basic income and work on helping the environment and the arts, as well as community/charity projects.

    But I’m sure there could be more time for naps, too! We deserve them!

    1. Before I begin my response, I want to tell you that I love your moniker, “MrShit50s.” I don’t know if you intended it to be funny, but it certainly is. Thanks so much for turning me on to the Josh Cohen book. Sounds like something I need to read. Also, I want to check out “Work It.” Can I easily find your blog? Maybe you’d like to post a link here so more people can check out what you’ve written? I love so much about what you’ve said here. Your Protestant Work Ethic comment is spot on. Plus, I’m a big supporter of the Basic Income Movement. Thanks so much for your wonderful comment. Stay in touch!

      1. Hey Troy, really lovely to hear from you and glad you like the (yes, hopefully funny) moniker! You can either find ‘Work It’ via the main blog – – and go about 5-6 pages back…

        OR (hang on….)

        I don’t know if the messages can cope with hyperlinks but cutting and pasting into the search box should get you there… it’s one of my quite early posts, before I started putting block quotes in to break the text up, so sorry for that.

        I’ve followed you, so I hope we can keep in touch and I hope I can learn lots from you… here’s to more napping and more meaningful work in the future! mrshit50s

        Oh, I see you’ve just found me already, but it would be rude not to reply!

      2. Thanks for the response. By the way, I really relate to the idea of looking for work while in “middle age.” I’ve been there, done that. I’d like to be able to contact you but couldn’t find a way on your blog. I can be reached at

    2. Hey, I looked at your blog and liked what I saw there. Is there any way to contact you? I couldn’t find an email address or a “contact” page or anything on your blog.

  11. Amzing article!
    If the people slowed down, would they be more productive? If one can answer that to the so-called bosses and higher powered people, I am sure they would allow better remedies for stress.
    Maybe, It all starts, as you said, when we allow ourselves to be who we always have been, unknowingly.

    1. Smart management would understand that people give their best when they’re at their best. Plus, we get from others what we give to them. If employers gave more to their employees, they could get more from them. This is Psychology 101. Unfortunately, the world is filled with really terribly inept managers. Thanks so much for your comment.

  12. Love the picture at the beginning of your post. Yes there is a lot of divisiveness in our country today. Unfortunately I think it harms the next generation growing up. And I am more or less a Trump supporter. Don’t hate me for it or be divisive. I am always interested in opposing views. What I have discovered is that if you place two people in one room and they both hear the same speaker they can come away with a different view. It is amazing to me. Perhaps it is because of our experiences in life or what we were taught as children I do not know. By the way God established the 7th day of the week as a day of rest. So we are meant for napping now and then. Enjoyed your post

  13. Love the picture at the beginning of your post. Yes there is a lot of divisiveness in our country today. Unfortunately I think it harms the next generation growing up. And I am more or less a Trump supporter. Don’t hate me for it or be divisive. I am always interested in opposing views. What I have discovered is that if you place two people in one room and they both hear the same speaker they can come away with a different view. It is amazing to me. Perhaps it is because of our experiences in life or what we were taught as children I do not know. By the way God established the 7th day of the week as a day of rest. So we are meant for napping now and then. Enjoyed your post

    1. Thank you for your nice words about my post. I do not hate you for being a Trump supporter. But since this is a site that challenges conventional wisdom and writes things that are intended to make people think, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions with the intent of making you reflect. Let’s not talk about policy. We’ll put that aside for a future discussion. Let’s just simply talk about right versus wrong. If an eighth grade school child came to school and bullied other kinds and made fun of his female classmates and those in his school with disabilities, we would call him rude and a bully and it’s likely he would be suspended. If that boy told his Hispanic classmates that they should leave America and “go back where they came from,” we wouldn’t see this as positive behavior. If he told the little girl whose parents had just immigrated from an African country that her home country was a “shithole,” we wouldn’t think such behavior was acceptable. An American president has to be better than an eighth-grade bully. If we would punish a child for being this way, why don’t we punish an adult male who should be at least a little better than a child bully? I just leave that for you to think about. By the way, I will check out your blog and remain open-minded to all I see there and to all your comments should you choose to continue to respond to my pieces. Again, I thank you for being kind in your comments to my piece. Your friend, Troy.

  14. As much as I love to sleep, my obsession to maximize productivity, keeps me awake, that I try to see as a distinction between the limited body and the mind, especially when the latter gets the taste of limitless – the limitlessness being an evident product of sleep itself.

    1. Interesting idea that you see the mind as limitless and the body as limited. I’ll need to think about that some. I get your point. The mind, being unlimited, is expansive and active and never at rest. The body, on the other hand, being made of flesh and blood, is more “mortal” (for lack of a better word). I have questions about the idea of seeing the mind and body as separated. I tend to be a “system thinker” which looks at how the body and mind are more integrated and part of a larger whole (or “system”). Thanks very much for you comment.

      1. To answer your question, brain is highly efficient in terms of reserve energy and resources, compared to rest of body that gets tried out often. The remaining high energy in brain creates an oasis as seen amidst the drought in a wearied body. This significant gap of energy, that is never filled as brain usually never works enough to reach that limit of exhaustion, conjures a limitlessness, that we refer to as a tier of ‘mind’. How much percent of our brain do we use to fulfill a task ? If it is so less, then why would Nature procure more than 50% of unused grey matter into our skull ? After all, evolution is dictated by necessity and activity. More food for thought ? 😇

  15. With the Coronavirus, cancelled trip we are resting & napping. Hoping the election this year has a better outcome. People realize our leader has no empathy for anyone and only cares about the stock market/ winning.

    1. Scary times we’re living in. I fear that we’re headed for some kind of meltdown or major confrontation between America’s two (or more) tribes. Let’s hope for the best in the next election but prepare ourselves for the worst. Thanks for your comment.

  16. I used to be a contrarian myself, but as I age, I begin to follow a different path when it comes to the world’s ills. If we are truly all connected, then only forgiveness and allowing things to be as they are makes any sense. “Resistance is futile”, some say, but what if the resistance to what is (to life itself) actually causes the very thing we are resisting to grow?

    Certainly I have come to understand that there is only one person I have the power to change, so I will leave the rest of life to meander as it will (although posting this comment could be interpreted as an attempt to try to change things other than myself 😉 ).

    I do believe that we are all advancing – albeit at different speeds – towards enlightenment. And in my persistently contrarian nature, I will send gratitude to Trump for advancing the cause of awakening. He is nothing more or less than the one who has pulled the wool AWAY from our eyes, allowing us to see the corruption that has always been present in our governmental leadership. It has saddened me to see how much power the people around me give him – the power to make them angry or sad or even happy! For too long we have given our power away, looking to outside circumstances to satisfy, when the truth is that human beings can only ever find peace, happiness, joy, love, and gratitude within themselves.

    Would I like to live in utopia? Sure. Can it ever be here on this planet? Not while we live in a dimension where only contrast teaches. If we were all happy with everything, we would learn nothing. No growth, no advancement, no self-discovery or self-empowerment – at least not in this 3D reality.

    My new quest is to give up being a contrarian. But napping, this will go on as long as I live.

    Peace to you in the days ahead,

    1. I totally agree with you that the Trump phenomenon has perhaps had a silver lining. I recall lots of conversations I had with my friends about how the rise of Trumpism, which I really see as a form of fascism, would be the catalyst for a groundswell of progressive resistance. (I really liked your comment about how resistance sometimes becomes self-defeating.) Still, even though there are lots of signs that large groups of Americans are becoming more enlightened and tolerance, without political power, enlightenment and tolerance goes only so far (and can be squelched through brutish repressive acts). I’m sure there were plenty of enlightened Germans during the rise of fascism under Hitler, but those enlightened folks were still bulldozed by an ugly political movement. Your comment has given me so much to think about! I’m such a contrarian that I actually argue with myself lot and you’ve help spark such an argument as I’m writing this. I guess I vacillate between wanting to confront evil and then thinking that even evil can sometimes lead to good as humans reject evil or become more loving and respectful in response to it. Peace be with you and please continue to come back and participate in these discussions. You are a wise person I’d like to hear more from. Plus, I plan to find your blog (you do blog, right?) so I can read some of your writings.

      1. Thank you, Troy. I guess I have come to really believe that there is no force more powerful than love. Even when it looks like enlightenment and tolerance are down, they always will win through in the end. If nothing else, Jesus, Ghandi, and Mother Theresa are proof of this – after all, almost everyone would agree that figures such as these have turned the world upside down throughout the ages.

        While brutish repressive acts do go on, I believe that statistically they are shrinking. For now we do need the contrast. What does light have to do if there is no darkness? Rejoice when dark times arise, for it is love’s chance to shine.

        I will leave you with a very wise quote from a wiser man than I (Joe Dispenza): “You cannot pray for world peace and then flip the bird at the person who cut you off in traffic.” Until our light shines in the littlest of moments, it will never be bright enough to change the world. Whatever we are seeing in the political scene is on us, and since perception is everything, it is time for us to start telling a different story – one centered on gratitude, love, and joy. If one person (see above names) can change the world, imagine what just 2 together can do (and we are many more than 2). Only believe. See the ego for what it is (straw man, illusion), and know that love really does win.

        Light blessings to you and yours,

        P.S. I think you already followed my blog – that’s how I found YOU! 🙂

  17. I took a 2 hour nap yesterday and felt almost guilty for it. Now after reading your article I do not. Thank-you 🙂 I would also like to note that I got some things done with energy and motivation after the nap, rather than pushing myself when I didn’t feel like it.

    1. Isn’t it amazing that a person would feel guilty about taking a rest! That’s what our culture has done to us. Is has inculcated this idea that unless we’re buzzing around and multitasking we’re not “accomplishing things” and are, actually, “wasting our time.” Meditating and cultivating stillness and inner peace is certainly “accomplishing things” that have great mental, physical, and spiritual value. Thanks so much for your comment.

      1. A day or so after I wrote this I realized how silly it was to feel guilty for taking a nap. To survive and make a good life in this culture, there’s so many things to do and when things start piling up it feels overwhelming. But to keep pushing, regardless of exhaustion is not a good thing physically or mentally. I know that once I’ve had a chance to rest, meditate, be still – I’m much more productive and my vibration improves so I get much better results at everything. Thank-you for pointing this out. I appreciate your visit and comment! 🙂

    1. We troublemakers need to stick together! Napping is a very concrete way of us expressing the idea that we have total control over our time. It’s also a way of giving the middle finger to the notion that we have to perpetually be buzzing around and multitasking like crazy. I’d rather sit quietly and think. We spend too little time being quiet and mindful. Thanks so much for your comment.

  18. To be in a hurry is to be in danger. Or, haste makes waste.

    I like to take long walks in the wilderness. Nothing quite irks me as much as to hike with someone who is in a hurry. That is usually a person so wrapped up in the destination they forget to enjoy the trip.

    OTOH, a nap in the day usually means I can’t sleep at night. A conundrum!

      1. Sorry, Fred, my comment posted before I was done with it. Like you, I get irked by those who are always buzzing around and wanting to complete tasks and then move on to the next one. Such folks would make pretty good robots. I really see the nap as a act of self-affirmation. It’s the ultimate way to “drop out.” After all, when we sleep, we totally withdraw from the hustle and bustle of life. In fact, we withdraw from consciousness itself. Thanks for the comment.

  19. I’m a huge fan of individualism. I’m not sure if that counts as being a contrarian, but I’m a huge proponent of people being who they want to be. If that means being someone who naps (even though I do, rarely, because if I sleep during the day I don’t sleep as well at night), then you do you boo!

    1. I see napping as accomplishing two things. One, it’s good for the mind, body, and soul. And two, it’s a way of giving the middle finger to the idea that we have to spend every waking moment buzzing around and multitasking like crazy so that we maximize our productivity. Some of my least “productive” days have been my more “productive” days (if you get my drift). By the way, you certainly look like a contrarian to me! Thanks for the comment.

  20. Just wanted to say that this blog post is so well written and clearly thought out. It was a joy to read (and I agree with its contents). The world needs more writers like you. Thank you.

  21. I love that I’m reading this as I’m tucked in for a nap. I am a rule follower through and through. If the sign says exit, I will not enter. I still walk on my right, and I don’t like playing games with people that I know cheat to win. However, I have also found that I’m defiant. I like to give a little push against the status quo. My church family wears Maga hats, I bought black lives matter jewelry. People want to discuss how awful immigration is, I share stories of herbal Remedies my “immigrant” friends have used to fix problems my doctors can’t. People like you allow for the possibility of positive change!

  22. My parents encouraged me to nap & I happily did so until an emotionally abusive relationship of 28+ years. I am now getting back to napping and that wonderful sense of wellbeing as one wakes, stretches, & assesses how wonderful that time taken for ones self really was.

  23. I knew my chronic napping (is that just sleeping?) had motives of a higher nature and that my laziness is, in fact, an passive statement of active rebellion 😉
    Great piece!

  24. We all need to take a break from driving forward every once in a while – a nap should not bring a sense of guilt (as long as your neighbor’s house isn’t burning down.)
    Being contrarian isn’t necessarily a bad thing – unless you make it your religion. Sure, following the crowd just to follow them isn’t the right way (and can lead you over some inadvisable cliffs), but going against the crowd just for the sake of it isn’t any better (there wouldn’t be a crowd of lemmings if they were always wrong, now would there?)
    Think things through – the most important thing is to be yourself.
    Thanx for the post.

  25. Hey Troy, I, too, believe that we need more contrarians in the world. Questioning things only makes both sides stronger. Wherever I have gone, university, study abroad programs, my sports teams, I am always breaking the “rules,” but only ones that are meant to be broken, ones that are there for no reason either by default or outdated tradition. Although usually I don’t have time to nap, when I do find time I usually find it extremely difficult to fall asleep, even at night sometimes because my mind is running through things to do, ideas for projects, relationships, etc. You really have to distance yourself and almost let go of caring for a moment to allow yourself to fall asleep. I am a passionate person and this is quite hard for me, I’m always wanting to problem solve, plan, persuade… Many nights I use a meditation app to help me fall asleep, which is a healthy way for me to battle my insomnia until I can meditate on my own. Thanks for the post it was some great food for thought. Ellen

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