Too Much Time


Hi everyone!

This post will be me asking you guys for suggestions.

With the quarantine, I realized how much of my time I was wasting just going around. My life before the quarantine for this semester was not so much different than now, but in my ‘free’ time, I would just go here and there to pass it. Now, with that being gone, I am realizing how much time these little trips were taking everyday. That is to say, I suddenly have so much and I don’t know what to with it.

I still do everything I used to do. I study, read, exercise, meditate etc. Then, I do relaxing stuff too. I watch TV series, knit, bake, talk to friends and family etc. After I do all, I am still left with a lot of time and I am finding it hard to fill it. Ideally, I want to have a project to help people, which has always been my dream. This might be the perfect time to be able to work on such a project. But currently I don’t have anything.

On the other hand, I am also thinking that maybe I am not supposed to fill in all times. Maybe I am given this time because I need to rest. This time might be the time where I charge myself for the upcoming more active months. If so, I should just learn to stay non-active for some part of the day.

To me, both of these options seem logical and I can’t choose, although something in me opts for the latter. If a project is meant to be for me, it will probably hand in my hands. Maybe I should not worry about it. What do you guys think? Are you in a similar situation? Let’s talk about filling time!



163 thoughts on “Too Much Time

  1. Great time to spend reading in the Bible! Particularly the gospels of: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Holy Spirit is guaranteed to speak to your spirit 🙂

  2. I am a mother of 3 so my days are full but I did find how much more busy I was before and did not have time to connect with so many people…I am drafting a post on the lines of what I am learning during this time. I also got very anxious initially on why am I wasting time but once I relaxed I found more things to do. So maybe don’t try to fill all your time as of now, you might find things that can interest you. Great post by the way!!

  3. Funny thing about me is I am kind of the opposite. I used to squeeze lots of things into my day and get them done. Now I have lots of time and find myself wasting it. I am well rested but I look forward to being busy again

    1. Interesting. Maybe your brain just gets into the mood of getting things done and does it. Once it is relaxed, it is fully relaxed. All or nothing style.

  4. This is a wonderful time to learn to stop doing and start being. What a gift! No need to be like the media and feel compelled to fill empty space with words and opinions of others, but instead to stop and listen for the wise words from within that guide and direct us on our journey toward wholeness. You will know!

  5. Stillness and silence. And, with stillness and silence comes answers about what’s right for you and where to put your energies. All the best to you!!!

  6. Doing nothing is not necessarily a bad thing about one should not feel guilty about that. If you look around at nature, you might notice that plants and animals do not manifest being in a hurry. . Why not us as well?

  7. Start Journaling your thoughts and building your notes for that book you might write someday.

    Even if you don’t publish a book, your children’s children might be interested in knowing what you are thinking today in 2020.

  8. Many comments, and some of them very good. But the comment by worksofherhands will provide you with the most gratifying and long-lasting benefits. May you find the peace that passes all understanding as you meditate on what you read in the Gospels.

  9. It is very normal to switch between thinking we should do more and wondering if we should enjoy the opportunity to do nothing! There have been a few comments about self-awareness and I agree it is an ideal time to focus on you. You could consider how you would like to look back on this time: when this is all over, if someone asks how you used your time, what would make you feel proud or content? Take ‘should’ and ‘could’ out of your thinking. It’s your time and you won’t get it back, so use it in a way that feels fulfilling to you.

    1. I actually decided that I will not run after big projects right now because my body and mind are telling me to live basic. So, it is a prolonged me-time now. The look-back point you made is also very nice!

  10. I’ve always been a homebody, so the lock down has had little effect except maybe to give me MORE time for the things I love. I garden, and build things, take care of my hens and my dogs, sew reusable cloth face masks and donate them, knit, read, and watch the news. If anything, I spend too much time on facebook. Maybe this is a time for you to explore something new, like making art, music, or writing REAL letters to people you want to keep in touch with!

  11. When I reached retirement age at 65 I had a lot of time on my hands and not much to do. I started writing a blog and published more than a handful of books on every important subject imaginable. Now at 73 after about 5000 blogs and over 30 books I am finding that I am repeating myself.
    Since I started out as a programmer and did so for about 3 years i decided to do a little HTML5 and CSS programming but realized the field is rapidly evolving to programming for cell phone apps and cellphones in general which also are rapidly changing from year to year. I am just too old to do any more money making programming.

    Since you are still young your possibilities are endless. Research, write down what new useful information that you learned and research some more, especially topics which interest you. It is also important to take out some time or schedule for time when you are doing nothing but thinking and resting. Reading useful books may not be your strong point but you can use the internet to search out questions or information which is of interest to you. Best wishes. Uldis

    1. You are such an inspiration! I am generally the kind of person who wants to be dedicated to one thing. So, I need to figure that out and I will do my research accordingly. But before that too, maybe researching about different things may help me what I might be passionate about. Thanks for the tip.

  12. I hope i do not reply somebody idea but ….perhaps do something different, something what is inspiring you, something what u never did, but always u want to try….even we have free time is not mean we have enough time, try us it

    1. Yeah. I tried to do a few things that I always wanted to do, at least the ones I can do at home. I think I just ran out of ideas about what else I can do to fill up the remaining time. Maybe there are other things I want to do but could not think of yet.

  13. One of my projects has been organize/titling all of my digital photos, and sending copies off to the individuals in each photo. It has been great way to organize and reconnect with others.

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